Twenty Thirteen Child Theme – Halo

Halo is a child theme for Twenty Thirteen WordPress theme. This theme was designed to change the default date displayed for your content. Instead of the “published date” it shows the “last updated/modified date”.  This is very useful if you are maintaining a blog and regularly update your old content.

Halo theme increases the navigation menu font size to make it much more visible to eyes. It also makes the widget menu title almost as big as heading h3.

screenshot showing the halo child theme for WordPress

Theme Installation

Option 1

  • Go to “Appearance->Themes” from your WP dashboard
  • Click “Add New”
  • Enter “halo” in the search box
  • Once you have found the theme install it

Option 2

  • Download the zip version of Halo theme
  • Go to “Appearance->Themes” to upload it
  • Click “Add New”
  • Click “Upload Theme”
  • Browse to the directory on your computer where you have the theme zip file saved
  • Select the zip file
  • Upload and install it

Option 3

  • Download the zip theme file and extract it on your computer
  • Connect to your site via FTP
  • Browse to the themes directory (“/wp-content/themes”)
  • Select the folder that contains the theme files and upload it to your server
  • Activate the theme when you are done

1 thought on “Twenty Thirteen Child Theme – Halo”

  1. I’ve already seen a few themes based on the default Twenty Thirteen layout. Some of them are actual child themes, while others use the latter merely as an inspiration. What I like the most about any child theme is that your customization efforts will never go waste after a parent theme update, no matter how many modifications are made. Regarding Halo, I admire the way it sports a minimalist centered layout. Minimalist wordpress themes like Dinosaur Park and Tune Station are my favorite, since they are cleaner, more impressive and much more modern looking.


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