Flowplayer Video Player for WordPress

Flowplayer is a video player plugin that allows you to embed and play videos on your WordPress site using Flowplayer style. Flowplayer allows you to embed a self-hosted video or any video that is publicly accessible. This player is sleek with a fresh and more functional user interface.


  • Go to “Plugins->Add New” from your WordPress admin dashboard
  • Search for “Flowplayer 6 Video Player naa986”
  • Click Install once you have found it

Video Embedding

There is no additional configuration for this plugin. Once you have installed it simply start embedding videos. In order to embed a video in WordPress, create a new post/page and insert the following shortcode:

[flowplayer src="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/test.mp4"]

“src” is the source of your video file (The URL of the video). This parameter takes URL to a mp4 video (H264 encoded). Additionally, you can specify path to a webm video for maximum browser compatibility. But that’s optional since mp4 format is recognized by all major browsers and smart mobile devices (iOS, android).

[flowplayer src="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/test.mp4" webm="http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/test.webm"]

Video Poster

You can use the “poster” parameter to show an image as placeholder before the video plays.

[flowplayer src="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/test.mp4" poster="http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/images/poster.jpg"]

Video Autoplay

You can automatically start playing a video when the page loads using the “autoplay” parameter.

[flowplayer src="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/test.mp4" autoplay="true"]

Video Player Size

If no width is specified, the player takes up the whole content area (based on the aspect ratio). However, if you want to customize it  you can do so by specifying a width for it:

[flowplayer src="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/test.mp4" width="480"]

Video Player Ratio

The default ratio of the player is set to “0.417” (16:9). If you have a video with different aspect ratio you can specify it in the shortcode:

[flowplayer src="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/test.mp4" ratio="0.345"]

Video Loop

If you enable loop option for a video it will loop to the beginning every time it finishes.

[flowplayer src="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/test.mp4" loop="true"]

Video Demo

This is a screenshot of a video embedded with Flowplayer.

screenshot showing a video embedded with flowplayer 6 WordPress plugin

36 thoughts on “Flowplayer Video Player for WordPress”

  1. Bonjour peut on inclure une video pre-roll avant le lancement de la video principale. Le lecteur fonctionne parfaitement et surtout sans Bug bravo
    Hello can we include a pre-roll video before the launch of the main video. The reader works perfectly and above all without bug bravo

  2. I can see my video on my iPhone but it’s not showing in Chrome on Windows. I’ve set it to auto play but that didn’t make any difference.

    Any ideas?


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