Product Variations is an add-on for the Payment Button for PayPal WordPress plugin (also known as WP PayPal or WordPress PayPal) that can be used to add variations to your PayPal buttons.
PayPal Checkout
The add-on allows you to configure either a simple or a priced variation for a PayPal Checkout button.
Simple Variation for PayPal Checkout
To add a simple variation to a PayPal Checkout button you can use the following shortcode.
[wp_paypal_checkout description="My checkout product" amount="1.99" variation_label="Size:" variation_vals="small,medium,large" variation_options="Small,Medium,Large"]
The label for the variation (e.g. Size, Color).
The comma-separated values of the variation.
The comma-separated values that will appear to customers in the drop-down list. This is just for display purposes.

Priced Variation for PayPal Checkout
To add a priced variation to a PayPal Checkout button you can use the following shortcode.
[wp_paypal_checkout description="My checkout product" amount="1.99" variation_label="Size:" variation_vals="small_1.99,medium_2.99,large_3.99" variation_options="Small 1.99 USD,Medium 2.99 USD,Large 3.99 USD"]
The label for the variation (e.g. Size, Color).
The comma-separated elements of the variation in the format of “value_amount” for each option (e.g. value1_amount1,value2_amount2).
The comma-separated values that will appear to customers in the drop-down list. This is just for display purposes.

Note: Multiple variations cannot be configured for a PayPal checkout button.
PayPal Payments Standard
Here is a video that shows how it works with a PayPal Payments Standard button:
Simple Variation for PayPal Payments Standard

In order to add a simple variation to a PayPal Payments Standard button you can use the following shortcode.
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="My product" amount="1.00" on0="Size" os0_val0="Small" os0_val1="Medium" os0_val2="Large"]

The name of the variation (e.g. Size).
First option field for the variation. If you have created a variation named “Size” you may want to set this value to “Small”.
Second option field for the variation. If you have created a variation named “Size” you may want to set this value to “Medium”.
Third option field for the variation. If you have created a variation named “Size” you may want to set this value to “Large”.
It is up to you how you want to set up on0, os0_val0, os0_val1 and os0_val2. If you specify the on0 parameter in the shortcode the plugin expects at least one option (e.g. os0_val0).
The shortcode above can be modified to offer color options. For example,
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="My product" amount="1.00" on0="Color" os0_val0="Red" os0_val1="Blue" os0_val2="Black"]
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="My product" amount="1.00" on0="Color" os0_val0="Red"]
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="My product" amount="1.00" on0="Color" os0_val0="Red" os0_val1="Blue"]
You can add up to 10 options. For example:
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="My Product" on0="Colors" os0_val0="Coral" os0_val1="LightCoral" os0_val2="Salmon" os0_val3="DarkSalmon" os0_val4="LightSalmon" os0_val5="Crimson" os0_val6="Red" os0_val7="FireBrick" os0_val8="DarkRed" os0_val9="Pink"]
Priced Variation for PayPal Payments Standard

If you want to specify a different price for each option you can do so by adding a corresponding amount for it.
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="My product" on0="Size" os0_val0="Small" os0_val1="Medium" os0_val2="Large" os0_amount0="1.99" os0_amount1="2.99" os0_amount2="3.99"]
The amount that you want to charge for the first option.
The amount that you want to charge for the second option.
The amount that you want to charge for the third option.

You can add up to 10 priced options. For example:
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="My Product" on0="Colors" os0_val0="Coral" os0_val1="LightCoral" os0_val2="Salmon" os0_val3="DarkSalmon" os0_val4="LightSalmon" os0_val5="Crimson" os0_val6="Red" os0_val7="FireBrick" os0_val8="DarkRed" os0_val9="Pink" os0_amount0="1.99" os0_amount1="2.99" os0_amount2="3.99" os0_amount3="4.99" os0_amount4="5.99" os0_amount5="6.99" os0_amount6="7.99" os0_amount7="8.99" os0_amount8="9.99" os0_amount9="10.99"]
The display text by default is OPTION AMOUNT CURRENCY. This can be customized using the os0_option parameters. For example:
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="My product" on0="Size" os0_val0="Small" os0_val1="Medium" os0_val2="Large" os0_amount0="1.99" os0_amount1="2.99" os0_amount2="3.99" os0_option0="Small $1.99" os0_option1="Medium $2.99" os0_option2="Large $3.99"]
Multiple Variations for PayPal Payments Standard

You can add a second variation (without prices) by using the following parameters in the shortcode.
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="Buy Now Product" on0="Size" os0_val0="Small" os0_val1="Medium" os0_val2="Large" os0_amount0="1.99" os0_amount1="2.99" os0_amount2="3.99" on1="Color" os1_val0="Blue" os1_val1="Black" os1_val2="Red"]
The second variation can also support up to 10 options. For example:
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="Buy Now Product" on0="Size" os0_val0="Small" os0_val1="Medium" os0_val2="Large" os0_amount0="1.99" os0_amount1="2.99" os0_amount2="3.99" on1="Color" os1_val0="Blue" os1_val1="Black" os1_val2="Red" os1_val3="Pink" os1_val4="Yellow" os1_val5="Grey" os1_val6="Orange" os1_val7="White" os1_val8="Green" os1_val9="Brown"]
Get the Product Variations Add-on
License: Unlimited Websites
* Do not purchase before setting up the core plugin first. The add-on is not at fault if the core plugin does not work on your website.
* Do not purchase if you are not sure about a feature, contact us instead.
* Do not purchase to ask for more features or make the product work in a certain way.
* Do not try to scam us, we take it seriously. We are contributing to the WordPress community with free plugins and themes. If you cannot appreciate this our product is not the right choice for you.
* There is no refund/cancellation as it is a digital product.